We design a custom crossword using your words and clues. Crosswords are an extremely personal gift - a unique creation directly from you to whoever you're making it for.
You'll need to put a bit of thought into your crossword but it's worth it. Half the fun is coming up with the crossword clues and answers. The other half is seeing the recipient's face when they read it!
There are so many ways to use a crossword puzzle print. For example:
Whoever receives your crossword gift will know how much effort you've put into into their gift.
We print the words in crosswords in capital letters and without punctuation or spaces (so HONG KONG appears on the crossword as HONGKONG). We don't print dashes or apostrophes as they break up the crossword design.
Once we have all the information we need for this print we'll usually complete the design and send it to the printer within one working day - click the 'Shipping and Estimated Delivery Times' link at the bottom of this page for delivery times